

X27S 클라리넷

Trombone으로 유명한 Edwards에서 제작한 Bb Trumpet의 Professional model.
  • 상품번호 : 22

EDWARDS Trumpet / X27S

Trombone으로 유명한 Edwards에서 제작한 Bb Trumpet의 Professional model


Bore Size:
New and improved taper that works together with the bell mandrel to give the player a free blow but doesn't compromise a rich tone
Bell Weight:
22 Gauge (.025" thick)
Bell Material:
Two-piece, hand-crafted, yellow brass
Bell Treatment:
A combination of everything that we have found to be the best for every type of player. With a two piece bell we had different options when it came to treating the bell. This design will give you a very secure and accurate feel, but will give you the big and colorful sound you strive for. Rest easy knowing that we have put the time and hard work into these horns so that you do not have to.
Bell Shape:
New mandrel, one that works well with the leadpipe taper
Standard nickel silver pistons with lifetime warranty
Tuning Slide:
Silver Plated standard, custom finish available upon request
품명 및 모델명    X27S
크기  500 X 140 mm
색상 Silver 도금
재질 Brass
제품 구성 본체, 케이스
동일모델의 출시년월
2015년 7월
수입원 ㈜코스모스악기
제조국 미국
상품별 세부 사양    제품상세내 기재
품질보증기준 보증기간 1년 
A/S 책임자와 전화번호  심규준 02-3486-8844

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